Saturday, April 08, 2006


Somebody please wake me up!! Seemingly, I am in a time warp, some 2 thousand years ago, with my old-world sense of aesthetics still intact (or so I prefer to believe)!
How else do I console myself when I read that a Brooklyn art gallery is planning to exhibit a profound sculpture next month – a life-size nude sculpture of pop star Britney Spears giving birth on a bear-skin rug! (,00470001.htm)
Ugh! What people would enjoy looking at this grotesque work, I fail to understand.
And sample this comment from the great artist Edwards himself - "Spears provides inspiration for those struggling with the right choice." Inspiration? Choice? Sorry?

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Let me confess it – till a month back, I had never read any of Satyajit Ray’s books or watched his movies. From whatever little I knew, he was primarily a film-maker, who touched esoteric subjects in his films and books, which he wrote occasionally, both of them primarily to be enjoyed by bhadra-lok. It happens, you know, with great people – the myth overrides the man and his works. And then average-brained persons like me can not muster enough courage to take a plunge.

But thank God to the marketing guys, for once. As I walked in to the Crossword book-shop last Sunday, a neatly packaged “Feluda” omnibus almost called out to me. And putting aside my prejudices, I picked it up. If I am allowed to say so, I haven’t regretted it since.

For the umpteenth time I have realized you do not need great-sounding works or complex plots to tell a good story. Ray’s simple and spontaneous prose flows easily and reaches out to your heart and his plots and characters are from among everyday people like you and me. I am not over with it yet and till now, the whole experience has been a bit like one’s forgotten, innocent childhood, which one cherishes all his life.

I am sure as soon as I finish with “Feluda”, I would set out to find another good book from his repertoire. Any suggestions?
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